Transformers Adventure is the Japanese title for the American
Transformers Robots In Disguise series. The show follows a new group of
Autobots lead this time by Bumblebee in their efforts to re-capture
Decepticon criminals who have escaped and are running loose on Earth.
Below you will find all 26 episodes from the series in 720p HD.
01 Beginning of a New Adventure
02 The Birth of Team Bumblebee
03 The Value of Teamwork
04 Fight, Fixit!
05 Bumblebee's Dilemma
06 The Legendary Spirit Shikapyon, Revealed!?
07 Homesick
08 Grimlock's Betrayal?
09 Strongarm's Adventure
10 Enter Jazz of the Elite Guard
11 The Rascal, Li'l Bumblebee
12 Meeting of the Samurai Transformers!
13 Showdown! The Decepticon Army
14 The Trials of Optimus Prime
15 The Terrifying Battle
16 Close Call, Sideswipe!
17 The Return of Drift
18 The Ocean Floor Spaceship
19 Monstercar Battle
20 The Fixing of Fixit
21 The Thief with the Devil's Hands
22 Another Dinobot
23 The Legendary Female Warrior, Windblade
24 Ghost Town Shoot-Out
25 Resurrection of a Great Evil
26 The Ultimate Battle with Megatronus